This Website
Small changes and additions
☐ Links mouse-in and mouse-out animation
☐ Add global languages to rehypeHighlight
Currently the used languages should be specified per-page. If global languages
are not possible in rehypeHighlight
, then create a single module that exports
all used languages.
☐ Ensure that dates in Blog and Notes do not wrap on small screens
☐ Hash links for page MDX headings
These are also known as hash anchors.
More involved changes and improvements
☐ Make src path relative to the containing mdx file dir
For example, if mdx file dir is blog/how-i-ended-up-here
, then currently its
is /static/blog/how-i-ended-up-here/front-end-doom.jpg
Instead, src
should be ./static/front-end-doom.jpg
and a custom rehype
plug-in (rehypeImgSize -> rehypeImg?) should update it to
☐ Modal images on click
It should be possible to click on images and open then in full size modal window and original format - i.e. without using Next.js Image component.
☐ Add site about page
Should be something similar to nextra about
Longer and complex investigations
☐ Prevent single line wrap around float
This is mostly for my photos on the about page.
☐ Image float left/right and bottom
This is mostly for my photo in the bottom of the about page.
☐ Use @next/font
☐ Analytics
☑ Add comments and reactions to blog posts
☑ Replace Styled Components with Linaria CSS and Tailwind CSS
☐ Add Site-Wide Search
Further Research
☐ Adobe React Aria based mobile menu
☐ URL validator
Find how to automatically check that all site-refferenced resources are alive and valid.
☐ Investigate other language highlighting engines
Possible options are:
- Rehype Pretty Code (based on Shiki)
- remark-prism (based on Prism)